Saturday 10 March 2012

Art Foundation

Barnet Spires shopping centre opens. November 2010

To design a poster for a period in Barnet history to go on display for the public.




A1 Observational drawings


Guard animal observational drawing using an eraser and charcoal - September 2010.

Guard animal observational drawing. I worked within a team to created a 3D "guard animal" out of different materials. I then painted this using ink and chalk - September 2010

Bones observational drawing - January 2011
Observational drawing of shoes. I used 
oil pastels and scissors to etch into the surface - December 2010.

Flat tyre A1. Chalk.

'Guard Animal'

I created an 'animal' which would guard a house; Using collage, monoprint, 
letterpress and paint.

I then used these images and Photoshop to create a book cover for 'A Clockwork Orange' by Anthony Burgess.





An item to be used in the Natural History Museum.

Dinosaur eye, Oil pastels.

T-Rex Lino prints.

T-Rex cup - to be used in The Natural History Museums cafe.

Triceratops Linoprints - to be sold in The Natural History Museums gift shop as postcards and wrapping paper.

'Celebrity house'

Celebrity house. I created a "house" for the celebrity Lady Gaga - October 2010.




The Soho Festival

To design a poster for the Soho festival 2011

Bunting made using a Chinese newspaper.

Bunting created out of photographs I took in Soho.

Poster for the Soho Festival 2011.

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